Giving through a donor-advised fund?
Hope For Miami nutre a niños y jóvenes a través de programas efectivos para ayudarlos a construir un futuro positivo. Estás invitado a ser parte de su florecimiento a través de tu donación. Su donación en cualquier cantidad puede ayudar.
Puede elegir donaciones únicas o mensuales mediante tarjeta de crédito / débito, PayPal, ACH (transferencia bancaria directa) o cheque.

Consider an IRA Charitable Donation
If you are age 70 ½, you may continue to support Hope for Miami by making annual donations from your IRA accounts. You can donate tax-free from your IRA to Hope for Miami -- which help you meet your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), thus lowering your taxable income.
Benefits of an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution:
You can transfer up to $100,000 annually from an IRA directly to a qualified charity.
You can satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.
You can reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions.
You pay no taxes on the transfer.
Your gift to Hope for Miami will make a meaningful impact for youth programs in South Florida.
If you are interested in making an IRA charitable donation, find the forms required below.
Below you can find the details if you are giving to Hope for Miami through a donor-advised fund.
Name: Family & Children Faith Coalition, Inc. (d/b/a Hope for Miami)
EIN: 65-1003163
Street Address: 5911 W Flagler St. Miami, FL 33144
Contact Number: (786) 388-3000
Want to donate cryptocurrency?
Hope for Miami has an account that will accept cryptocurrency donations, but the application must be filled out completely and correctly. Donors MUST include “The Hope for Miami Fund ID: 2516296” in the memo to ensure it is credited to our account.
Go to this link to complete the application:
If you have any questions or need help with the platform, please contact Mark Klinger, CFO of the Signatry, our cryptocurrency manager: or call (913) 687-4194.