As you know, these recent days have demanded that we all approach life and work in compassionate and innovative ways. Meet members of our Hope for Miami team who are excelling in their care and encouragement of those they serve.

Diana M. always has a positive attitude with all that's going on and has excelled in keeping open communication between our staff, students and parents. She does a fantastic job teaching literacy during her zoom meetings and the children adore her!

Love, compassion and dedication is what Lourdes P. shows not only to her students, parents and staff, but to all of Hope for Miami. From visiting those who are hospitalized, to working late into the evening it’s all in a typical day. Thanks, Lourdes for always being there for us!

During these difficult days, Lillian B. has been very hard-working by being proactive and super helpful in serving a brand new group of kids from a different site. During a recent team Zoom meeting, she shared details of the lesson plans and fun activities she’s been doing with the children.

Gretell A. is truly a good Samaritan, going way beyond the call of duty. She consoles and visits concerned parents, drops off food to those who don't have a car, helps kids with homework and is always trying to do the best she can with what she has.

Mally F. has a big heart, is always positive and “goes the extra mile”. She and her staff not only help meet the needs of their students and families, but Mally also assists another of our sites, delivering food, shopping for the elderly and contacting local schools to get laptops for the kids.

During these recent days, Melissa G. has called and talked with parents and worked creatively to find activities for her students as well as our entire after school site. She also produced a fun video art project to put online that will also “go live” during our daily Zoom calls.

Darian K. always has a positive, up-beat attitude, makes suggested ideas a reality and then perfects them! Her capable staff is careful to follow their daily virtual activity schedule with their students which includes help with homework, fitness and dance as well as social-emotional learning.
We are grateful to each of our team members during these days!