Jailyn Raposo is our latest Most Valuable Player, selected by her peers this month. Jailyn is our Lead Case Manager with the Family Connections program serving the parents of children identified as chronically absent or truant. Here’s what she said in her interview:
What was interesting about the Lead Case Manager job description that made you want to apply? The organization's faithfulness to being a thread in the community resonates with my professional values and goals.
From your background, what skills do you believe you bring to Hope for Miami? I am strongly driven and committed to helping families navigate and overcome a wide range of challenges. My passion for social work is fueled by a desire to make a tangible difference in people's lives. I can successfully support families through complex issues by providing tailored solutions and leveraging community resources. This drive to address diverse challenges effectively is a core part of how I approach my position as a Lead Case Manager.
What's been the most surprising thing you discovered on the job at HFM? The collaborative environment at HFM constantly pushes me out of my comfort zone and provides me with valuable growth opportunities.
What do you do for fun? While I'm not working, I'm spending time with family, lying under the sun, or watching either True Crime or Romance-Comedy movies.